vesselsIt is so simple, a meal of bread and wine shared around a table. And yet, this meal has formed the foundation of the Christian life and practice for thousands of years. Whether known as Holy Communion, the Lord’s Supper, or the Eucharist, it is a central act for us a community, and it is from this weekly gathered meal that our common life extends.

In this sacred ritual, common elements of our lives – bread on a plate, wine in a cup – are shown to be what they are as well as means for communion with God. Though we may approach the table individually, this ancient practice connects us one with another with Christ and with those who have gathered throughout the ages as one body and one spirit. It is in this communing that we come to know St. Augustine’s mystical proclamation, that when we take part in communion, “we become what we already are.”

And because Jesus consistently shared his meals with those on the margins, with those on the outside looking in, we continue this practice in the belief that, “All who seek Christ are welcome at God’s table.” To share in what is known as the Great Thanksgiving (“Eucharist” comes from the Greek word, to give thanks), you are not required to be a member of All Souls or an Episcopalian. If you are drawn to the life of Christ, you are welcome to receive the bread and wine of communion. We encourage children from the earliest ages to receive, for, as Jesus said, “Let the children come to me and do not prevent them. For to such belongs the Kingdom of God.” Alongside the home-baked bread and wine, there is a grape juice chalice for those who require it and non-gluten bread upon request. Come, take and eat.