We are blessed people with great abundance in our lives and as people of God, we are called to share this abundance with the rest of the world. How might this look to your family?

A visible sign we can give our children is showing them how we share our financial abundance with the church and others in need. This can be done in many ways and your family can find what best suits your life — look for ways and times to talk about it with your kids, especially if much of it happens electronically, they may not know how generous you are, and so not be able to easily learn from your example

Another way to share our abundance is in physical acts of caring for others. Perhaps there is someone in your neighborhood who needs an extra meal, help in their yard, or even a ride somewhere. Be an example to your children by taking care of our neighbors, and help them find ways to give of their own energy and love, too.

Tangibles: Sharing with others in need

A meaningful practice for families is to get into the routine of buying and giving food to the Berkeley Food Pantry. There are baskets to gather nonperishables in the narthex (entryway) at church each week, and the kids can then see the baskets being brought forward just before communion, as well. Often with a practice like this, the hardest piece is remembering and getting into the routine! Making fridge magnet reminders and door hangers to help you remember to grab a can of food on the way out the door to church can make a big difference, and can hanging the reminder on Saturday can also be a responsibility that even young children can take on!

Resources for Kids:

  • “The Blessing Cup” by Patricia Polacco
  • “The Quiltmaker’s Gift” by Jeff Brumbeau

Resources for Adults:

  • “Hungry Planet” by Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisio
  • “What the World Eats” by Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisio