From 1969 to the Present
Civil rights and opposition to the Vietnam War were direct issues for All Souls at the time of the selection of the Rev. Henri Stines as Rector in 1969. The diocese encouraged All Souls to call an African-American rector and the parish did so, the first for a predominantly Anglo parish in the diocese. Fr. Stines was a deeply spiritual and caring pastor and was well-liked, though his participation in demonstrations against the draft caused some division in the parish. He felt that his calling was to urban ministry, and he left All Souls in 1971 to serve an inner-city parish.
After Fr. Stines left, All Souls selected the Rev. William P. Clancey who served from 1972–1988 and whose personality and ministry still resonates for longterm members of the parish. Fr. Clancey instituted Eucharist-centered worship on weekdays, an active outreach program, and intense pastoral care which he emphasized by listing his 24-hour pager number in the Yellow Pages. Notably, during Fr. Clancey’s tenure, funds were devoted to start An Episcopal Ministry to Convalescent Hospitals (AEMCH), a commitment which continues at All Souls today.
During the Rev. John Archer’s (1989-1992) ministry the monthly Open Door Dinner for the hungry began and continues today as a valued program. Fr. Archer was committed to developing strong lay leadership in the parish, an emphasis which has shaped our parish life since. Fr. Archer also organized the first Spaghetti Again men’s group that still continues.
The Rev. Joseph Britton (1993-1996) directed parish worship toward a focus on formal, traditional liturgies. In the interim period 1996-1997, the need for greatly enhanced attention to children and youth became clear. The Interim Rector, the Rev. Richard McCall, led the parish toward a new plan for recruiting Sunday school teachers and the inclusion of children in the worship through a special children’s service each fourth Sunday.
The Rev. Andrew Walmisley (1997-2007) brought major changes to All Souls. Fr. Walmisley was a beloved and influential pastor for our community. Current worship, ministries and operations of the parish reflect his vision and leadership, and our recent expansion in membership of young families is a direct result of Fr. Walmisley’s ministry. A profound and lasting influence of his time at All Souls was a major remodeling of the worship space in the main church. The original altar was removed and replaced with a wooden altar placed at the front of an expanded sanctuary, reshaping the relationship between the clergy and the people in the pews.
In 2008, the parish called the Rev. Philip T. Brochard as the 12th rector of All Souls Parish.